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March 23, 2019

Manjushri Sand Mandala  A  Manjushri sand mandala, created grain by grain over three weeks by the monks from the Dhargyey Buddhist Centres in Dunedin and Christchurch. A perfect representation of the cosmos using vividly-coloured crushed marble sand. This ancient spiritual art form was hosted by the Dunedin Public Library from March 24th – April 14th. It coincided with public talks by the monks and activities for children.  During the three week mandala construction, the public were invited to join the monks in this meditative space as this elaborate two-dimensional sacred design came to life.
After completion, the monks purposely destroyed the mandala, sweeping the sand up into a vase which was later poured into the harbour to spread the blessings from this sacred work of art. This dissolution process demonstrates a core Buddhist teaching - the transitory nature of life.  

Public Conversation with Geshe Jampa Tharchin (Chandrakirti Meditation Centre) and Geshe Dhonyoe (Dhargyey Buddhist Centre) - 10th October 2018

Geshela and Geshela had a public conversation at the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS) at the University of Otago. The topic of the conversation was "Tibetan Perspectives on Nonviolence".

Dhargyey Centre Fundraising Art Auction with the Koru Gallery - November 2017

An art Auction was organised by Sandie at the Koru Gallery to raise funds for us. A very special evening with delicious food, great company and stunning artworks. Thank you!

Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala - June 2017

The medicine Buddha Mandala is a manifestation of the healing energy of all enlightened beings. Geshe-la created the artwork using sand from last year's Tara sand mandala as well as newly made sand that he ground himself using a mortar and pestle. People were free to visit the centre to watch Geshe-la creating the work. A dissolution ceremony occurred after the completion of the mandala, with sand being scattered to bless the environment. 

Visit from Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay - May 2017

The political leader (Sikyong) of the Tibetan Government in Exile visited Dunedin on the 2nd of May. He attended a formal meal at the Dhargyey Buddhist Centre and gave a public lecture at the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS) in the University of Otago.

Tenzin Choegyal Concert - April 2017

Over the years, Tenzin has built an international career as a musician playing venues such as WOMAD and Carnegie Hall in New York. He draws on his Tibetan roots to create original compositions which uniquely express his cultural lineage and the contemporary challenges faced by his people. Tenzin played at ReFuel in Dunedin, an event organised by the Dhargyey Buddhist Centre.

An evening with experienced meditator, Tara Choying Lhamo - April 2017

Tara is an Austrian-born contemplative who has been living in retreat for over twenty years. Twelve of those years were spent high in the mountains of Nepal in one of the caves frequented by Milarepa (one of Tibet’s most famous yogis and poets). Tara agreed to visit the Dhargyey Buddhist Centre to share her unique story.

Roof renovation and fundraising, 2014 - 2017

We were fortunate to receive a lottery grant and support from Heritage NZ, as well as very generous donations from individuals. This led to the entire roof being re-tiled, as well as earthquake strengthened. We also had multiple people volunteering labor to renovate the centre's interior. 

Fundraising included a garage sale, concerts (including musician Paul Ubana Jones giving a special performance at the centre), annual calendars, and art auctions, all in conjunction with local businesses and musicians. Thank you to all our supporters and those who gave their time, skills, or donated money.

Tara Sand Mandala, September - October 2016

Geshe-la created a female Tara sand mandala. The method involved pouring grains of crushed and colored marble for about three weeks. Tara is the embodiment of swift enlightened activity. The work was part of Arts Festival Dunedin and people could watch Geshe-la at the centre free of charge during the festival between September 30 and October 9. At the end of the festival, we held a dissolution ceremony, with the sand being scattered to bless the environment. 

Robina Courtin visit, July 2016

In July 2016, Robina visited the Centre for a weekend of teachings on the Lam Rim. Robina is a Buddhist nun in the Gelugpa tradition and lineage of Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche. As well as giving teachings at the Centre, Robina also gave a public talk at the University of Otago. 

Ven. ZaChoeje Rinpoche visit, November 2013

Rinpoche very kindly gave an excellent, accessible teaching on the “Three Principal Aspects of the Path” at the Dhargyey Buddhist Centre on Saturday the 30th of November.

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama visit, June 2013


In June 2013, His Holiness returned to New Zealand  to deliver a series of public talks and meet with religious and academic groups. He also took time to make  a special visit to the Dhargyey Buddhist Centre in Dunedin.

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